  1. Breakfast

From the recording Breakfast


They sat across the kitchen tableSentimentally incapable, Still trying to escape A terrible fate….. And she said “You know it’s funny, I’d offer you breakfast but there isn’t any!Last night was great! – But tomorrow is now today, It’s good to go with your instincts, When you’re not thinking” And she said “You know it’s funny, I’d offer you breakfast but there isn’t any. She makes good coffee – Algerian Special, it’s not a novelty. It’s the love in the air that’s inclement, If only the weather was made of instruments! And she said “You know it’s funny, I’d offer you breakfast but there isn’t any.” Look mate you should know the score You haven’t even won the battle – Let alone the war, Feel like you’re in a bad imitation Dylan song (With a Samba beat) – Well maybe that’s where you went wrong! And she said….